TUM ForTe Patents and Licences (P&L) is your contact point for all questions and processes related to IP (intellectual property) at TUM. P&L manages patent application processes, is in charge of TUM's IP portfolio and is responsible for negotiating IP regulations on behalf of TUM.
Services for inventors
Find out about the range of services we offer for questions on inventions and IP rights.
Fast-Track model for start-ups
The TUM Fast Track Model makes the spin-off process fast and efficient.
Teaching and Outreach
For students and employees: we offer a comprehensive programme to make you fit in dealing with intellectual property!
TUM IP Policy
As Entrepreneurial University, innovation and technology transfer is the key to a successful future for society.
Do you have any further questions?
Have a look at our FAQs or contact us at patent(at)tum.de.
TUM ForTe - Office for Research and Innovation
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich
Phone: +49 89 289 22667; Fax: +49 89 289 28381