Jump to the section: National Research Funding Support International Research Funding Support TUM Talent Factory Research and Commercial Cooperations Patents & Licensing Entrepreneurhsip
Depending on the funding program, we can provide financial incentives through the TUM Seed Fund (for ERC or coordinators), a reduction in teaching workload (ERC), as well as proofreading and assistance with administrative inquiries. Please visit our homepage and reach out to us as early as possible.
More information also in the Dienstleistungskompas
Klinikum rechts der Isar: Administration MRI (TUM-Med)
Renate Rädlein
Tel.: +49 89 4140 2842
Beate Schaulin
Tel.: +49 89 4140 2856
Based on the experience and knowledge gained from successful ERC applications at TUM in recent years, we have compiled the most important information here. Please inform us about your interest in applying so that we can offer you individual support.
TUM has published its TUM Diversity & Gender Equality Plan, which fulfils the requirements of the European Commission's Gender Equality Plan. You can answer yes to the question in the administrative forms.
Please directly contact the respective professors you want to conduct research with by sending your research proposal and your CV to discuss research opportunities. You may find all departments and professors of TUM on our website. We suggest making sure that you communicate your research interests well and that your experience matches the requested research profile. You may also have a look at the current open positions at TUM or apply for your own funding at institutions like the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
External postdocs can e.g. apply for the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship to carry out a research project at TUM. The fellows are supported by TUM for 24 months to diversify their research profile at a TUM department and to initiate new research projects together with TUM scientists.
The TUM Talent Factory supports TUM postdocs in the selection of suitable national and international funding instruments and offers feedback on the application process and draft proposals based on our experience with various funding agencies. You can find more information here.
TUM awards the title "TUM Junior Fellow" to junior researchers who have acquired independent junior research groups financed through third-party funding in highly competitive programs, such as Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups (DFG), BMBF Junior Research Groups or ERC Starting Grants. Junior researchers within the meaning of the program include those who do not yet hold a tenure track professorship. TUM Junior Fellows are entitled, among other things, to serve as primary reviewers for their own employees in doctoral procedures and, by analogy, to review Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma theses. Further information and contact details can be found here.
Please send enquiries to patent(at)tum.de. If you already have a specific contact person (who you can find in the letters you receive from us, for example), you can of course write to them directly. In this case, however, please always cc patent(at)tum.de.
If it is an existing case, please make sure that you include the file number in the subject line of your e-mail. This will ensure that your enquiry is assigned immediately and can therefore be answered more quickly.
Please send your enquiry to research-cooperations(at)tum.de. If it concerns an existing process (i.e. a concluded contract or ongoing negotiations), please make sure that you include the ticket number in the subject line of your e-mail. This will ensure that your enquiry is assigned immediately and can therefore be answered more quickly.
Inventions that have been made during the existence of an employment relationship and that have either arisen from the employee's work at TUM or are essentially based on experience or work at TUM are service inventions (§ 4 Abs. 2 ArbEG). Inventions from secondary employment are also service inventions if they fulfil these criteria. TUM is free to decide within the statutory time limits (generally four months) whether to claim or release a service invention (Sections 6 and 8 ArbEG).
service inventions must be reported to the employer immediately in text form. We provide you with a corresponding document for this purpose, which you can download from our document area.
Yes: In accordance with Section § 5 des ArbEG of the German Employee Inventions Act (ArbEG), service inventions must be reported to the employer immediately in text form. We provide you with a corresponding document for this purpose, which you can download from our document area.
Free inventions made during the term of employment must be reported so that it can be checked whether it is actually a free invention (§ 18 ArbEG). In such a case, please contact us at patent(at)tum.de.
We always support you individually and deal with your specific needs in 1:1 consulting appointments. Together we discuss open questions regarding the business idea (e.g. problem-solution-fit, product-market-fit, value proposition), the business model, the market or the team, as well as all other practical questions you may have regarding the foundation of a company. In addition, you will receive professional help and tips for the next steps in your project. We help you with the acquisition of funding and accompany you throughout the entire duration of the project. Furthermore, we connect you along the complete start-up journey to the appropriate formats in the TUM/UnternehmerTUM ecosystem and beyond.
TUM Start-up Consultancy is an internal service and is therefore aimed at students, scientists, employees and alumni of TUM. Only teams/individuals who have a connection to TUM and are neither in business (e.g. have generated sales) nor have founded a corporation are being supported.
The TUM connection is given if at least one team member is a TUM student, employee or alumni. Alternatively, the TUM connection can be established by having a TUM professor support you as a mentor within the framework of a state start-up funding program (e.g. EXIST Founder's Scholarship).
Please use our form Request for initial consultation. We will get back to you as soon as possible - usually within 3 working days. Please note that you will not receive an automatic response once you have completed and submitted the form. However, you can be sure that it will reach us and that we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We receive a large number of inquiries. We need this information to be able to assess as well as possible what you intend to do, where you currently stand and how we can best help you with the next steps. To do this, we need the most meaningful information possible, which is requested via the form. Your information will of course be treated discreetly and in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.
We take an individual look at the status quo of your business idea. Depending on the phase, we either recommend a qualification program (e.g. XPLORE) or offer you an initial consultation with a start-up consultant to discuss the next steps. We work very closely with our partner, UnternehmerTUM, in order to be able to meet your individual needs with the appropriate support service.
In addition to the content-related support provided by the TUM Start-up Consultancy, the TUM also helps out its founders with workplaces and office space. The TUM Incubator in the Entrepreneurship Center in Garching provides founders with office space free of charge. There you have the opportunity to work on your idea and business plan in a large shared open space. If you apply for a funding program such as EXIST, there is also the option that you get an office at your supervising chair or move into a single office at the TUM Incubator, if available.