Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships
TUM ForTe stellt Antragsteller:innen ein umfangreiches Unterstützungsmaterial zur Verfügung, um ihnen bei der Erstellung exzellenter Anträge zu helfen. Wir unterstützen Postdocs, die sich um ein Einzelstipendium mit der TUM als Gastgeber/Partner bewerben wollen. Kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Ihre Bewerbung von einem Professor oder einer Professorin an der TUM befürwortet wird und Sie erhalten dann das Unterstützungsmaterial.
Für Fragen und weitere Informationen steht Ihnen Dr. Wael Mousa (wael.mousa(at)tum.de) und das Team der TUM Talent Factory zur Verfügung: postdoc-application(at)tum.de.
Über die MSCA-Postdoktorandenstipendien
Das Ziel der Postdoktorandenstipendien (PF) ist das kreative und innovative Potenzial von erfahrenden Forschenden zu fördern, die ihre individuellen Kompetenzen durch den Erwerb von Fähigkeiten durch Fortbildungen, internationale und sektorübergreifende Mobilität erweitern möchten.
PFs bieten die Möglichkeit, neues Wissen zu erwerben und zu vermitteln, und im Bereich Forschung und Innovation in EU-Mitgliedstaaten (sowie assoziierten Ländern) oder außerhalb Europas zu arbeiten. Das Programm unterstützt insbesondere die Rückkehr und Wiedereingliederung von Forschenden von außerhalb Europas, die zuvor hier gearbeitet haben. Es fördert auch die Entwicklung oder Wiederaufnahme der beruflichen Laufbahn von einzelnen Forschenden, die durch ihre Erfahrung ein großes Potenzial aufweisen.
Gefördert werden grenzüberschreitende Einzelstipendien für die vielversprechendsten Postdocs jeglicher Nationalität, die in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten oder assoziierten Ländern arbeiten. Die Grundlage ist ein gemeinsamer Antrag des Forschenden und des Partners aus dem akademischen oder nichtakademischen Bereich. Für jeden einzelnen Postdoc wird nur ein Antrag beurteilt.
Weitere Informationen und Unterstützung für Antragstellende
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf folgenden Webseiten:
Aktuelle MSCA-Stipendiaten an der TUM
TUM Chair: Institute of Virology, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pichlmair
TUM Department: TUM School of Medicine
Project: Role of the kinase TAOK2 in the innate immune response to viral infection (TIRI)
Academic Career and Research Areas
Dr. Rheinemann earned her PhD from the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA in 2021. During her graduate work, she studied how viruses exploit cellular pathways to mediate their own release from infected cells under the supervision of Prof. Wesley I. Sundquist. She subsequently joined Prof. Pichlmair’s laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow with an EMBO postdoctoral fellowship.
Dr. Rheinemann’s research examines the interaction of viral proteins with host factors during infection. In particular, her MSCA project will focus on recognition of viral nucleic acids by the innate immune system and how the resulting signaling cascades are controlled and modulated. This will provide new insights into the first line of defense against viral infections.
TUM Chair: Chair of Organic Chemistry I, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bach
TUM Department: TUM School of Natural Sciences
Project: Enantioselective N-α C(sp3)-H Functionalization of Amides by Trifunctional Catalytic Systems (ENCHFATCS)
Academic Career and Research Areas
Dr. Zhou incepted his PhD degree in organic chemistry in 2020 from Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Then, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden from January 2021 to April 2023. After that, Dr. Zhou joined the Chair of Organic Chemistry I in May 2022 with TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship and MSCA Postdoc Fellowship.
Dr. Zhou’s research is aimed at the development of novel and practical methodologies for the efficient construction of biologically active and synthetically useful molecules, in particular by photocatalysis. At TUM, he will work on the enantioselective photocatalytic organic transformations with Prof. Thorsten Bach.
TUM Chair: Chair of Bioseparation Engineering, Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier
TUM Department: TUM School of Engineering and Design
Project: Magnetically Tunable Chondrocyte Cell Sheet Engineering for Osteoarthritis Therapy (MACROS)
Academic Career and Research Areas
Dr. Vincent Irawan received his PhD in Material Science and Engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2019. His previous research focused on developing the collagen materials as a bioactive scaffold for promoting cartilage and bone tissues. In 2021, he undertook a postdoc position in Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, to learn about the supramolecular biomaterials and to develop such multi-modular materials for the applications of biomedical imaging and the stimuli-responsive cell culture materials. Dr. Vincent`s MSCA fellowship will focus on preparing a tissue-engineering product that mimic the cartilage tissue by developing an innovative technique that is premised on the tuning of substrate stiffness during the cell culture stage. The application is focused on the regeneration of osteoarthritic cartilage tissue.
Zukünftige MSCA-Stipendiaten an der TUM
Ehemalige MSCA-Stipendiaten an der TUM
MSCA IF 2014 Call
Manuela Garnico Alonso
TUM Chair: Professur für Molekulare Nanowissenschaft an Grenzflächen, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Auwärter
TUM Department: TUM Department of Physics
Project: Beyond Graphene: Fundamental properties of 2D materials at the atomic scale (2DNano)
Zdeněk Tošner
TUM Chair: Professur für Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie, Prof. Dr. Bernd Reif and Prof. Glaser (co-supervisor)
TUM Department: TUM Department of Chemistry
Project: Optimal control methods for biological solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (OPTIMAL NMR)
Pietro Falco
TUM Chair: Associate Professorship of Human-centered Assistive Robotics, Prof. Dongheui Lee
TUM Department: Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Project: LEArning-CONtrol tight interaction: a novel approach to robust execution of mobile manipulation tasks (LEACON)
MSCA IF 2015 Call
Dr. Barbara Lechner
TUM Chair: Chair of Physical Chemistry, Prof. Ueli Heiz
TUM Department: Chemistry
Project: Characterising the dynamical properties of size-selected supported metal clusters (ClusterDynamics)
Dr. Irene Bighelli
TUM Chair: Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Prof. Stefan Leucht
TUM Department: TUM School of Medicine
Project: Schizophrenia Psychological Interventions: Network Meta-Analysis of randomized evidence (SPIN-MA)
Dr. Javier Virto
TUM Chair: Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik, Prof. Martin Beneke
TUM Department: TUM Department of Physics
Project: Non-Leptonic Three-Body B Decays: Theory and Phenomenology (NIOBE)
Dr. Madleen Busse
TUM Chair: Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Biophysik, Prof. Pfeiffer
TUM Department: TUM Department of Physics
Project: CONtrast through metal-enriched polymer SALTs: novel contrast agents for dual-energy micro-computed tomography (CONSALT)
Dr. Siwei Bai
TUM Chair: Bioanaloge Informationsverarbeitung, Prof. Dr. Hemmert, Werner
TUM Department: Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Project: Advanced Computational Model for the Development of Cochlear Implants (CIModelPLUS)
Dr. Francesco Maurelli
TUM Chair: Institut für Informatik VI - Robotics and Embedded Systems, Prof. Alois Knoll
TUM Department: TUM Department of Informatics
Project: Towards Intelligent Cognitive AUVs (TIC AUV)
MSCA IF 2016 Call
Dr. Pablo Lanillos
TUM Chair: Institute for Cognitive Systems, Prof. Dr. Gordon Cheng
TUM Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project: Robotic self/other distinction for interaction under uncertainty (SELFCEPTION)
Dr. Paul D’Agostino
TUM Chair: Professorship of Biosystems Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Tobias A. M. Gulder
TUM Department: Chemistry
Project: Direct Pathway Cloning of Neglected Bacteria in the Hunt for Novel (Bio-)Chemistry (DiPaC_MC)
Dr. Marta Tena-Solsona
TUM Chair: Chair of Supramolecular Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Job Boekhoven
TUM Department: Chemistry
Project: Dissipative Self-Assembly: A powerful but unexplored tool to create temporary supramolecular hydrogels (DisMolGels)
Dr. David Luitz
TUM Chair: Professorship on Theoretical Solid-State Physics, Prof. Frank Pollmann
TUM Department: Physics Department
Project: Dynamical Phenomena in Quantum Many-Body Systems (QMBDyn)
Dr. Cecile Repellin
TUM Chair: Professorship on Theoretical Solid-State Physics, Prof. Frank Pollmann
TUM Department: Physics Department
Project: From Bulk to Edge: Realization and Characterization of Fractionalized Quantum Matter (sharpEDGE)
MSCA IF 2017 Call
Dr. Gianluca Orlando
TUM Chair: Chair for Analysis, Prof. Dr. Marco Cicalese
TUM Department: Department of Mathematics
Project: From Bulk to Edge: Quasistatic Evolution Problems for Material Failure due to Fatigue (FatiguEvoPro)
Dr. Franziska Emmerling
TUM Chair: Chair for Research and Science Management, Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus
TUM Department: TUM School of Management
Project: From Bulk to Edge: Assessing positive and destructive leadership on multiple dimensions: How to better understand and improve the behaviour of the people who lead us (LEADERPROFILE)
Dr. Frej Tulin
TUM Chair: Lehrstuhl für Botanik, Prof. Farhah Assaad
TUM Department: Department of Plant Sciences
Project: Understanding the essential function of the conserved plant- specific protein phosphatase family BSL (BSLchlamy)
Yue Zhang-Weninger, PhD
TUM Chair: Institute for Human-Machine Communication, Prof. Gerhard Rigoll
TUM Department: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project: Holistic Deep Modelling for User Recognition and Affective Social Behaviour Sensing (HOL-DEEP-SENSE)
MSCA EF 2018 Call
Dr. Alex Henning
TUM Chair: Professorship on Experimental Semiconductor Physics, Prof. Ian D. Sharp
TUM Department: Walter Schottky Institute, Physics Department
Project: Functional Electrical Contacts to Two-Dimensional Materials with Tunable Interfacial Oxides, ProTOC
MSCA EF 2019 Call
Dr. Marc Gonzalez Cuxart
TUM Chair: Chair of Molecular Nanoscience & Chemical Physics of Interfaces, Prof. Wilhelm Auwärter
TUM Department: Physics
Project: Engineering Magnetic Properties of Hexagonal Boron nitride - based Hybrid Nanoarchitectures (WHITEMAG)
Dr. Sebastian Schwaminger
TUM Chair: Bioseparation Engineering Group, Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier
TUM Department: Mechanical Engineering
Project: Novel Electro-Responsive Protein Separation Method with Magnetic Nanoparticles (NERS)
Dr. Youssef Atoini
TUM Chair: Biogenic Functional Materials, Prof. Dr. Rubén D. Costa
TUM Department: TUM-Campus Straubing
Project: White Hybrid Light-Emitting Diodes based on Cu(I) Complexes-MOFs Hybrid Materials -- CuMOF-LED
Dr. Miriam Schwalm
TUM Chair: Biological and Medical Imaging , Prof. Dr. Gil Westmeyer
TUM Department: Fakultät für Chemie
Project: Calcium-sensitive functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a breakthrough technique to follow brain-wide intracellular calcium dynamics defining multi-scale neuronal activity (BrainwideNeuroCaSens)
MSCA EF 2020 Call
Selma Musić
TUM Chair: Chair of Information-oriented Control, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sandra Hirche
TUM Department: TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project: Collaborative, Decision making, and Operational Shared-Control Framework for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI-CoDeOp)
Dr. Reginald van der Kwast
TUM Chair: Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Engelhardt
TUM Department: TUM Department of Medicine
Project: Long non-coding RNAs that regulate glial cell function in the diseased heart (GLIA-LNC)
Dr. Xie Wang
TUM Chair: Chair of Electrobiotechnology, Prof. Dr. Nicolas Plumeré
TUM Department: TUM Campus Straubing
Project: Directed Evolution of Metalloenzymes through Electrochemical Droplet Microarray – DEMED
Dr. Susanne Raum
TUM Chair: Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit
TUM Department: TUM School of Life Sciences, Weihenstephan
Project: Threats and solutions to urban tree pests and pathogens in a changing climate (TREEPACT)
Dr. Mattia Nieddu
TUM Chair: Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials, Prof. Dr. Rubén D. Costa
TUM Department: TUM Campus Straubing
Project: Fluorescent Protein-metal oxide NanoParticles for Bio-hybrid Light-Emitting Diodes (FPNP-BioLED)
Dr. Soumya Mukherjee
TUM Chair: Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry, Prof. Roland A. Fischer
TUM Department: Department of Chemistry
Project: Hydrophobic metal-organic adsorbents to decontaminate water from Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (HECTOR)
Dr. Christoph Hirche
TUM Chair: Theory of Complex Quantum Systems , Prof. Dr. Robert T. König
TUM Department: Department of Mathematics
Project: Tracking Information in Quantum Networks (TITAN)
MSCA EF 2021 Call
Dr. Moran Balaish
TUM Chair: Associate Professorship of Solid-State Electrolyte Chemistry, Prof. Jennifer Rupp
TUM Department: TUM Department of Chemistry
Project: Novel Li-Operated Potentiometric Electrochemical Gas Sensors (LiPEGS)